In Language Arts third grade will focus on improving vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and accuracy strategies this year. Our Reading Interactive notebooks will be our own resource book for all of the skills we learn in third grade. Students will practice using these skills during Read to Self, Word Work, and Paired Reading as part of our CAFÉ time. The students will learn strategies to help them become better readers of different genres of texts.
This year third graders will practice using nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in writing a variety of sentences. The students will use the writing process to write narrative, expository, and persuasive compositions. In third grade, we will use spelling patterns, syllables, base words, suffixes, and prefixes to read and spell words in a variety of writing types.
This year, third grade will work to master addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. Students must practice these facts every night. We will focus on addition and subtraction for the first semester and multiplication and division for the second semester. Place value, time, money, measurement, fractions, graphing, are important math areas we will focus on in third grade.
Prayer will be an important focus of our third grade Religion class this year. The commandments, including the great commandment are part of our Religion curriculum. The saints, Bible stories, and the Liturgical Year celebrations will be an important part of our school year. We will concentrate on the parts of the Mass as we prepare to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist in the spring.